
Weekly Market Outlook: March 11th - March 15th

Weekly Market Outlook: March 11th - March 15th

Summary of Financial Events on March 11, 2024:

1. Today, a 7-day reverse repurchase of 10 billion yuan has expired.

2. Closing session of the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress.

3. The Bank of England releases a quarterly report on investment.

Summary of Financial Events on March 12, 2024:

1. Sarah Hunter, Assistant Chairman of the Federal Reserve of Australia, attended a group meeting at a business summit.

2. Today, a 7-day reverse repurchase of 10 billion yuan is due.

3. Japanese Deputy Minister of Finance, Makoto Kanda, delivered an opening speech at an international seminar and participated in group discussions.

4. European Central Bank Managing Director Holtzmann delivered a speech.

5. Bank of England Monetary Policy Commissioner Mann delivered a speech.

Summary of Financial Events on March 13, 2024:

1. EIA releases monthly short-term energy outlook reports.

2. Claudia Buch, Chairman of the European Central Bank's Banking Regulatory Committee, delivered a keynote speech at the Morgan Stanley 2024 Financial Conference.

3. Today, a 7-day reverse repurchase of 10 billion yuan has expired.

4. Vice President of the Swedish Central Bank, Flodden, delivered a speech.

5. Vice President of the Swedish Central Bank, Breman, delivered a speech.

6. European Central Bank Banking Regulatory Committee member Joshnik delivered a keynote speech at a forum event.

7. European Central Bank Chief Economist Lien delivered a speech.

8. European Central Bank Executive Director Chibolone delivered an opening speech at an event.

9. European Central Bank Managing Director Stunaras delivered a speech in London.

Summary of Financial Events on March 14, 2024:

1. Conway, Chief Economist of the Federal Reserve of New Zealand, delivered a speech.

2. Japanese Deputy Minister of Finance, Makoto Kanda, participated in a group discussion at a roundtable organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Asian Development Bank Research Institute.

3. Today, a 7-day reverse repurchase of 10 billion yuan has expired.

4. Deputy Governor of the Swedish Central Bank, Breman, delivered a speech.

5. IEA releases monthly crude oil market report.

6. European Central Bank Executive Director Eldersen delivered a speech.

7. Hernandez de Cos, the European Central Bank's governing committee, delivered a speech.

8. European Central Bank Executive Director Schnabel delivered a speech.

9. European Central Bank Regulatory Commission Norte held a press conference to release the annual report of the Dutch central bank.

Summary of Financial Events on March 15, 2024:

1. Hern á ndez de Coz, the European Central Bank's governing committee, delivered a speech.

2. Vice President of the European Central Bank, James Sanders, delivered a speech.

3. European Central Bank Managing Director Stunaras delivered a speech.

4. Today, there are 481 billion yuan of 1-year medium-term lending facility (MLF) and 10 billion yuan of 7-day maturity.

5. The National Bureau of Statistics released monthly reports on residential sales prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities.

6. The Bank of England releases an inflation survey report.

7. Vujcic, the Managing Director of the European Central Bank, delivered a speech.

8. European Central Bank Chief Economist Lien delivered a guest speech at the Imperial College London Business School in the UK.